Local Emergency Planning Committee

Nemaha County has a Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) that is comprised of emergency
response agencies, private industry, hospital, community groups, and others. The LEPC is responsible for
regularly reviewing the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) as well as coordinating exercises for
emergency personnel. The LEPC collects information on hazardous materials stored throughout the
county at fixed facilities. Additionally, they promote the Community-Right-to-Know law to the public and
provide educational materials/resources to the community.

Hazardous Substance Information
Section 324 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act, also known as SARA Title III
(Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, PL99-499) requires public notice at least
once annually informing the public of the means to access information about extremely hazardous
substances that are manufactured, stored, and used within their community. Follow-up emergency
notices may subsequently be issued.
Accordingly, information concerning LEPC meetings, SARA Title III hazardous materials planning which is
included in our Nemaha County Emergency Operations Plan, safety data sheets (SDS),
hazardous chemical inventory forms, listing extremely hazardous substances manufactured, stored, or
used within Nemaha County can be obtained during normal business hours by contacting the Emergency
Management office at 785-336-2135.
The Nemaha County LEPC's current Chairperson is Eddie Aldrine, Director of Emergency Management.
Any questions about the LEPC or requests for information should be directed to Nemaha County
Emergency Management at 785-336-2135.

LEPC Meetings
Each year the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meets quarterly.
February 20th, 2025
May 15th, 2025
August 21st, 2025
November 20tht, 2025

All LEPC meetings are held at the Nemaha County Pioneer Building, 710 Pioneer Street, Seneca, Kansas.
The meeting will begin at 1:00 pm. All LEPC meetings are open to the public and all requests to address
the LEPC's should be made to the Nemaha County Emergency Management office at 785-336-2135.
Requests may also be sent to Nemaha County Emergency Management, 607 Nemaha Street, Seneca,
Kansas 66538.

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